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True Works of Art

Chianti Services Imports (NZ) is a New Zealand based boutique wine importer and distributor of quality fine wines. We represent a carefully curated list of artisanal wineries, of which are exclusive to CSiNZ. Our wines are from small family estates that have a passionate hands on approach, both in the vineyard and in the cellar. Organic wineries who have respect for the soil and not turning to modern alternatives of chemical use in vineyard and soil base. Estates that are involved in every aspect of the winemaking process from vine to cork, and where the winemaker has a constant hands on presence overseeing every aspect of vinification from selecting the best fruit, to it’s fermentation, aging and bottling.

These are not mass produced corporate wines but limited production wines with unique styles and flavours that vary with each new vintage. Wines that tell a story you can taste! What the fruit endured during the growing season, the soil, climate and elevation, by who and how they were cared for, they tell of tradition and heritage and the special touch of the winemaker. Only pure farming practices, only pure clean fruit and only great grapes make great wine. The wines produced are handcrafted and superior wines, true works of art.

We want to connect you with the best wines of Italy, wines that are above and beyond what you’ll find in the grocery store or on a typical restaurant wine list! We don’t want you to drink good wine, we want you to drink great wine and make it available to everyone.


Over the last few years while travelling we have been introduced and fallen in love with the wines that we are now thrilled to be able to offer you. Our independent wine connoisseur and expert Ilona Liberi is based in the USA and regularly visits her home Country to select only the best wines that Italy has to offer. As we all know the Italians are very passionate people and this is more than evident in their winemaking. While sampling these wines you can almost close your eyes and drift away to the sun drenched vine covered slopes of rural Italy!

We certainly hope that you take the time to sample the selection!


Earl Young & Laurel Hayton
